US Steel Shares Plunge, Dividend Slashed, Buybacks Halted, 1,500 Workers Cut Amid Deepening Manufacturing Recession  | Zero Hedge

KW: It’s probably just nothing…….   “[C]urrent market conditions and the long-term outlook for Great Lakes Works made it imperative that we act now…” Source: US Steel Shares Plunge, Dividend Slashed, Buybacks Halted, 1,500 Workers Cut Amid Deepening Manufacturing Recession  | Zero Hedge

Clint Eastwood Exposes the Scum That Is the FBI and American Media –

Clint Eastwood Exposes the Scum That Is the FBI and American Media Clint Eastwood’s latest film is “Richard Jewell.” Go see it. Sharp-eyed viewers will catch the foundational message of Clint Eastwood’s film in the caption on a poster hanging on the wall behind Jewell’s attorney in his law office: “The government scares me more than…

The Hidden Military Use of 5G Technology – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: To say that all the ‘noise’ about 5G is confusion itself is an understatement with many critics concentrating on the alleged health issues arising from radiation from the 5G network and its alleged detrimental effects on health. This article goes closer to the mark in all probability and maybe explains the attack on Huawei bt…

Germany ‘won’t back down’ under threat of US sanctions over Nord Stream 2 pipeline with Russia – Merkel — RT World News

KW: U.S. threatens sanctions against its closest ally becasue they dare to buy Russian natural gas  and not the more expensive gas that has to be deep frozeb before it is shipped in bulk tankers across the Atlantic where it has to be reprocessed into gas once again. The logic of the Americans is hideously…

“You Have Found NOTHING!”: Trump Sends Angry Letter To Pelosi Slamming “Illegal Attempted Coup” | Zero Hedge

KW: No I don’t have sympathy for Donald Trump as he brings about his own karma from how he behaves but what he has been subjected to since he became President is unprecidented in U.S history and it is completely unfair and ridiculous. Now that the Democrats case against him is falling apart at the…

Neoliberal Economics Destroyed the Economy and the Middle Class –

Support Your Website: The financial and news media provide controlled explanations, not truth Neoliberal Economics Destroyed the Economy and the Middle Class Source: Neoliberal Economics Destroyed the Economy and the Middle Class – Paul Craig Roberts According to official US government economic data, the US economy has been growing for 10.5 years since June…

‘Where’s my apology, Jim?’ Trump taunts Comey after former FBI chief says sorry for ‘sloppy’ Russia investigation — RT USA News

KW: The chickens are all coming home to roost. Report after report, relied upon in the attempt to unseat an elected President are now being exposed as lies and deceitful. No matter what the Democrats do to try and juice up some public hysteria about the impeachment process – from delaying votes to ‘prime-time’ to conjuring images…