“You Have Found NOTHING!”: Trump Sends Angry Letter To Pelosi Slamming “Illegal Attempted Coup” | Zero Hedge

KW: No I don’t have sympathy for Donald Trump as he brings about his own karma from how he behaves but what he has been subjected to since he became President is unprecidented in U.S history and it is completely unfair and ridiculous. Now that the Democrats case against him is falling apart at the seams due to the lies they have made up Trump is attacking and he will be unforgiving and ruthless. His letter reproduced in this article explains it all. Democrats have found nothing with which to pin on him ensuring his re-election next year


“This is nothing more than an illegal, partisan attempted coup that will, based on recent sentiment, badly fail at the voting booth…History will judge you harshly as you proceed with this impeachment charade…”

Source: “You Have Found NOTHING!”: Trump Sends Angry Letter To Pelosi Slamming “Illegal Attempted Coup” | Zero Hedge