“Jeffrey And I Had Everyone On Videotape” Ghislaine Maxwell Reportedly Told Friend | Zero Hedge

KW: AS the jury hangs over convicting the criminal Harvey Weinsten, the ghost of Jeffery Epstein hangs over a lot of the so called VIP’s that frequented his houses to committ sex crimes on young girls. Who exactly was taped and where are the tapes? Will they eventually emerge? Was tht Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg…

EPA Reapproves Glyphosate, Claims Pesticide Poses No Human Health Threat – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: When you are a powerful and prosperous company like Monsanto/Bayer and things go a bit against you like the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to say glyphosate is a carcinogen you fight like hell and get things reversed to your liking, and that is what appears to have happened. Years of fighting has been undone,…

Can Moscow finish Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline despite US sanctions? ‘Never say never’ says Gazprom — RT Business News

KW: In the desperate war against Russia and China using sanctions as the weapon at this point in time the U.S. is losing the fight against sound logic and the right of individual countries’ governments  to govern the way they see is best for the people they represent. Although Gazprom has a past littered with…

Trump & Erdogan Discuss Ending “Unacceptable” Syrian Offensive To Take Back Idlib | Zero Hedge

KW: So Syria strengthend by returning Syrians who previously had fled the country due to the U.S. supported, funded and armed terrosit invasion of Syrian territory in a proxy war to overthrow duly elected President Assad is now being thwarted once more by the U.S. that now supports Turkey in fighting the Syrian Arab Army…

With Sanders surging in the polls, Israel lobby spends big bucks to sink his chances in Nevada — RT USA News

KW: Althogh a lot of people have heard of the Israel Lobby or Jewish Lobby, not many realise the immense power and wealth it has in U.S. politics influenceing not only Trump but seemingly attempting to sink Bernie Sanders as well After emerging as the Democratic frontrunner in wake of Iowa and New Hampshire primaries,…