Another Report on the Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin Treatment of Covid-19 –

KW: You would think tath U.S. phusicians would be falling over themselves to use this drug. Russia alerted the world to its effectiveness, Trump wants it used but his cabinet is infiltrated by and controled by big pharmaceuticals companies (amongst other companies who he has to answer to) who don’t want this solution to covid-19…

Gold Soars Along With Everything Else As Fed Ends Capital Markets As We Know Them | Zero Hedge

KW: Q. Is it? Short A: Yes Long A:  The big news just reported is a further expansion of the Federal Reserve into the markets and the private economy. Today’s bazooka is up to “$2.3 Trillion in loans to support the economy.” They will buy >$600bn in loans, $500bn in municiple bonds, $850bn in  ‘asset backed’…

National Security State Left US Defenseless Against Coronavirus – Original

KW: To read reports of the U.S. being reduced to stealing medical equipment from being flown to the (former?) allies like Germany and France becasue they don’t actually have the equipment themselves shows that the U.S. has no shame. More importantly it shows Trumps claims of ‘having the best Doctors and best hospitals in the…

Can 5G exposure alter the structure and function of hemoglobin, causing coronavirus patients to die from oxygen deprivation? –

KW: There is lots of youtube videos surfacing about the effect of 5g radiation within the coronavirus epidemic. Once again here is the NYC ICU Physician Cameron Kyle Sidell opening up the discussion about what they are really sseing at the coal face of hospitals the world over right now. Thought provoking. I bet US…

Bombshell plea from NYC ICU doctor: COVID-19 is a condition of oxygen deprivation, not pneumonia… VENTILATORS may be causing the lung damage, not the virus –

KW: Someone at the coal face is speaking out about what he sees is wrong practices with ventaltors and pleading for change. This is interesting becsue it reveals what the Doctor from Gwent in the UK was saying abuot the conventional treatment of the disease. Being no expert here are both sides of the story…