UN Report Finds ISIS Given “Breathing Space” in US-Occupied Areas of Syria

KW: Hypocracy abounds when it comes to the United States. While blaming every other country for U.S. internal trade ills they maintain the lie that it is they that are reponsible for defeating ISIS in Syria rather than The Syrian Army  backed by Russian airpower, whereas they are actually defending ISIS hoping to save the…

“It Will Be A Cold War”: APEC Summit Ends In Unprecedented Chaos After Dramatic US-China Showdown | Zero Hedge

KW:China, our biggest trading partner, is not going to back down to the U.S. and allow the gloabl bully to run riot over the global economy. This biased U.S. sourced document lets it be known that China is not allowing the U.S. to format news documents the way they want the world to be seen….

Sucking NZ into war games: Pence Unveils Plan For US-Australian Pacific Base, Spiking Tensions With China | Zero Hedge

KW: All information flows are controlled by and from the U.S. for their advantage. Aaustralian ‘policy’ is U.S. policy and as our closest neighbor we appear to be getting sucked into a conflict with our biggest trading partner  with our next most important trading partner getting pushed into taking a stance against their most important…

If This Report Is Correct, The Caravan Is Another Presstitute Lie – PaulCraigRoberts.org

KW: As we suspected there is someone, something, some organisation funding this whole thing providing transport, food, medicine to undermine U.S. borders. The video in the link below made by film maker Ami Horowitz is pretty revealing If This Report Is Correct, The Caravan Is Another Presstitute Lie Americans are so gullible that they are pathetic….

Pence: “All-Out Cold War” Coming If China Doesn’t Change Course; “We Won’t Back Down” | Zero Hedge

KW: According to the Am Show news this morning Pence has requested that our Prime Minister Jacinda Adern be seated at his table for dinner tonight at the East Asia Summit Gala Dinner  in Singapore. Watch out for the snake attack is what I say as his mission is to destroy our relationship with our…

John Bolton Wins “Defender of Israel” Award From Zionist Lobby Group That Helped Appoint Him – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: Paul Craig Roberts writes ‘John Bolton, Trump’s National Security Advisor, represents Zionist Israel, Not the United States. Bolton should be arrested for high treason.’ The ZOA, Bolton’s enthusiastic sponsor, led the campaign to remove former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster from his post after railing against McMaster’s “anti-Israel” positions, most notably his support for the…

‘Completely safe’: Monsanto owner Bayer hit by new wave of lawsuits over Roundup weed killer — RT Business News

KW: We still have farmers here in Hawke’s Bay using round up to spray there paddocks that turn brown and then drilling directly into this and planting new seeds. It is a disgrace to our image of ‘clean and green’. I copied this comment from the article reprinted here. ‘Glyphosate binds (chelates) vital nutrients such…

Merkel Defies ‘crude and vulgar’ Trump, Backs Macron’s Call For European Army | Zero Hedge

KW: Trump Mocks Macron: “They Were Starting To Learn German In Paris Before The US Came Along”. Oh Dear … the boyfriends appear to have fallen out. Macron needs to learn that when it comes to dishing out dirt there is none more nasty than Donald Trump, he should just crawl back into his Rothschilds hole…