How George Soros Singlehandedly Created the European Refugee Crisis—and Why: Garret/Galland Investment Research You Can Trust

KW: Have you ever wondered just HOW could so many refugees from war ravaged countries seemingly arrive into mainland Europe by leaky boat or trekking on foot for apparently thousands of miles with only the clothes they wore and a small (often plastic) bag of possessions? Then miraculously they all end up on trains and…

Italy Bans Short-Selling Of Imploding Monte Paschi | Zero Hedge

KW: Well that escalated quickly! Things appear to be heating up dramatically especially in Europe……. Surprise, surprise, lets just ban short selling on this banks stock and problem solved! But remember ‘it’s different this time’ Having collapsed 99.7% from its July 2007 highs at EUR93, Banca Monte dei Paschi Siena – Italy’s 3rd largest bank –…