Clinton’s lies should result in her being before a Grand Jury: Judge Jeanine Pirro

KW: In the UK the Chilcot Report on U.K. involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq has resulted in former PM Tony Blair taking all the flak whereas in the U.S. Hilary Clinton escapes from being indited by buying off the legal system and with lies. Here is the next President of United States? This is disastrous for the whole world.

But wait… there’s more

From Zero Hedge: As everyone is well aware, Donald Trump has always had difficulty getting the GOP to unify and rally behind a Trump presidential candidacy – not that it was a main priority of course. The divide in the party seemingly climaxed late in the GOP primary when Trump was leading by a relatively wide margin, yet the GOP establishment tried in a clumsy and desperate effort to form an alliance between Cruz and Kasich in order to stop Trump – obviously that effort failed miserably.

While it has still been a slow grind to gain support, those such as Paul Ryan have eventually made their way over to support a Trump candidacy. However, all of that difficulty that the Trump campaign has had unifying the party could change as a result of the FBI’s decision not to recommend charges be brought against Hillary Clinton.

Upon learning of the news that the FBI wasn’t recommending charges, Trump made a point that it was going to continue to be a topic of discussion, even if as Bloomberg notes, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said “we’re moving on.” Paul Ryan followed suit, saying that FBI director Jim Comey would be called to hearings on the matter, as well as making it known that “no one should be above the law.”

If those in the GOP continue to join in the chorus, Trump could find this development as a way to finally unify the party and have everyone rally behind the campaign for the first time – the momentum could be huge. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman said “Running against Clinton is good on a lot of fronts. She is the epitome of the establishment and what people see as what’s wrong with the country, and what they want changed. From the standpoint of our party, no one wants a third Obama term and that’s what the country sees her as.”

Trump will look to continue to build on the momentum by putting together an upcoming speech that will unveil new changes to his tax plan, as well as perhaps announcing his running mate next week. As former Senator Scott Brown, a surrogate for Trumppoints out, “The unifying person of the party may not be Donald Trump, but Hillary. While many people may not like him, they are going to vote for him, because they don’t like or trust her.”