Bazooka Fired: Fed Unleashes $1.5 Trillion Repo Bailout, Expands “Not QE” To QE5 | Zero Hedge

KW: So that you get to understand just how bad things ‘market’ really are, if a bailout of $1.5 trillion ( that is one thousand five hundred billion dollars) doesn’t take your attention then nothing will. The market is just a phoney place where you buy stocks and hope that there is , at a later date, a bigger idiot there to buy them off you at a higher price and that the FED or some other central bank will come to the rescue if the other idiot puts his hands in his pockets and leaves them there.


Source: Bazooka Fired: Fed Unleashes $1.5 Trillion Repo Bailout, Expands “Not QE” To QE5 | Zero Hedge