Campaign Launched to Protect GM Free Growing Regions : Pure Hawke’s Bay

KW: It took Donald Trump to bury the TPPA treaty that would have permanently eliminated the right for regions such as Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand from being able to make local rules for the local environment such as being GM free but the thinking in the National government that so recklessly put the wishes of global corporate giants ahead of New Zealand expectations by granting them the right to sue individual countries for lost future profits should local legislation like what is proposed for Hawke’s Bay impede what they wanted to do is still alive and well with Environment Minister still wanting to restrict this type of activity. Why? is a good question! Shame on the government and particularly Nick Smith. How close was New Zealand to becoming a servant of global corporates that have no allegiance to any country, only to maximum profit whatever the environmental cost or the  local peoples expectations and wishes.

Source: Campaign Launched to Protect GM Free Growing Regions : Pure Hawke’s Bay