Candidate Tulsi Gabbard explains the huge risk of war between the U.S. and Russia via Turkey

KW: The only person talking logic and reason in the Democratic election process is Tulsi Gabbard, not Sanders, Biden or Warren. Here she explains the danger that has evolved since Erdegon has gone awol in Syria claiming that they (Turkey) are the hosts  (in Syria)!

Zero Hedge reports: She also slammed the mainstream media’s efforts to renew holding up al-Qaeda terrorists on the ground in Idlib as mere “rebels” and “freedom fighters” — saying it’s a disgrace to men and women in uniform who signed up to fight terrorists in the wake of 9/11.

“Turkey’s been supporting ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists from behind the scenes for years,” she pointed out.

“Turkey’s Erdogan wants to create an Islamist caliphate in Syria, reestablish the Islamist Ottoman Empire, and is working with al-Qaeda and other terrorists to achieve his goal.”

“He wants to be the caliph,” she added, explaining further he’s not a “friend” of America, but remains one of the most dangerous dictators in the world.