David Stockman on Trump vs Clinton: Bloomberg

KW: David Stockman is a smart man talking sense. Copy and past. David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget, discusses what’s at stake for the United States in the battle for the White House between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. He speaks on “Bloomberg ‹GO›.” (Source: Bloomberg) http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/videos/2016-06-08/david-stockman-s-view-of-trump-vs-clinton  

Saving is Dumb say Central Bankers. Oh where does this leave Kiwisaver and similar superannuation schemes?

KW: A triple whammy of info that talks about just how central bankers world wide have lost control of economic decision making 1.First, from a Mauldin Economics (Tony Sagami) news letter………. Saving Is Dumb… Say the Central Bankers Get a load of this headline from a German newspaper, which translates into “Extreme Low Interest: Who…

Video of the Day – Here’s What Happened When a Member of European Parliament Tried to Read the TTIP Text | Liberty Blitzkrieg

KW: There is basically no difference to this Treaty and what has been negotiated with TPPA, the Treaty our government is pushing as hard as it can. It is reasonable to fear the worse outcomes impacting all of New Zealand over time. By then the neocon corporate servant  of Washington, John Key will be long…