Saving is Dumb say Central Bankers. Oh where does this leave Kiwisaver and similar superannuation schemes?

KW: A triple whammy of info that talks about just how central bankers world wide have lost control of economic decision making

1.First, from a Mauldin Economics (Tony Sagami) news letter……….

Saving Is Dumb… Say the Central Bankers

Get a load of this headline from a German newspaper, which translates into “Extreme Low Interest: Who Saves Is the Fool.”

The reason for that insulting headline is simple: central bankers have been waging a war against savers.

Example #1: Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Richard Fisher, offered this sage (sarcasm alert) advice last week: “I would be prepared when they move—and I hope they move sometime in June—there’ll be a settling in of the market place. There will be a correction. Suck it up. Deal with it. That’s reality.”

Example #2: ECB President Mario Draghi had this to say: Negative interest rates are “not the problem, but a symptom of an underlying problem” caused by a “global excess of savings.”

“If central banks did not do this, investing would be unattractive,” said Draghi. In other words, shut up and buy some stocks!

What those central bankers want you to do is either (1) spend money to increase demand, or (2) buy stocks to increase capital.


2. A two minute clip about Japan where interest rates are now negative

3. And what about Bonds? Michael Pento discusses the canary in the coal mine.