Secret barometric bomb technologies, nuclear technologies, used to bring WTC towers down: Proof » Intellihub

KW: It was and is inevitable that information about 9/11 will be placed on Kiwiwatch as we are about trying to expose lies and  trying to find truth. Happy to ‘do your head in’? Start here with this new compilation and follow through all the videos. It won’t end here for you. All your preconceptions…

Clintons May Not Win the Prize. “Bernie Sanders Could become the Next President” | Global Research

KW:  Richard Cook summarises the American dilemma Paul Craig Roberts writes: But could Sanders make any difference? Obama’s regime was totally different than his campaign messages, just as George W. Bush’s regime was different from his campaign messages. The neoconservatives created the specter of terrorism and successfully used it to create a warfare/police state. The One Percent…

Ukraine Summary: Ukraine’s Prime Minister is “Stepping Down”: ‘Yats’ Is No Longer the Guy | Global Research

KW: Robert Parry’s article is a well written summary of recent Ukrainian history Paul Craig Roberts prefaces this article with these comments: The American Media Is A CIA Front. I (Roberts) reported honestly the facts of the US coup that overthrew the elected Ukrainian government in 2014 (see my columns in February and March 2014). However, the…

Trial of Saddam Hussein was victor’s justice’ – Ex-tribunal judge to RT — RT News

The former chief judge that presided over Saddam Hussein’s trial told RT in an exclusive interview how the tribunal, which was dependent on the US, lacking in legitimacy, and overshadowed by the killing of lawyers, sentenced the Iraqi strongman to death. Source: Trial of Saddam Hussein was victor’s justice’ – Ex-tribunal judge to RT —…

Ukraine PM resigns 2 months after narrowly dodging no-confidence vote — RT News

Paul Craig Roberts writes: ‘Washington’s Two-Bit Punk Ukrainian Puppet Prime Minister Resigns. Arseny Yatsenyuk, put into office by the (American) neocon criminal Victoria Nuland has resigned. What new puppet will the Washington criminals stick in office to enable the completion of the looting of Ukraine? Kiwiwatch: Most people think that the Ukraine crisis is the doing and…

The End Is Near for Brazil’s Ultra-corrupt Government | Foundation for Economic Education

Kiwiwatch: The risk of the Olympic Games not going ahead is probably remote but it is a risk that shouldn’t be dismissed as impossible. Brazil is in economic chaos and political corruption is widespread. The coalition government is cracking up, and the president is facing almost certain impeachment. Source: The End Is Near for Brazil’s…