Ukraine PM resigns 2 months after narrowly dodging no-confidence vote — RT News

Paul Craig Roberts writes: ‘Washington’s Two-Bit Punk Ukrainian Puppet Prime Minister Resigns. Arseny Yatsenyuk, put into office by the (American) neocon criminal Victoria Nuland has resigned. What new puppet will the Washington criminals stick in office to enable the completion of the looting of Ukraine?

Kiwiwatch: Most people think that the Ukraine crisis is the doing and making of ‘Russian aggression’. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a grand lie of American media and the doing of the US. Yes Russia annexed Crimea but there was a legitimate vote by Crimean’s (vast majority are Russians) of over 90% to rejoin the Russian homeland and NOT remain as part of Ukraine that was descending into chaos. The Russians in the eastern Donbass Region where there has been brutal fighting are also fighting to separate from Ukraine but wish to become an independent state, not rejoin Russia. None of this goes down well with the US and the architect of this revolution Victoria Nuland, who is Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State. Her husband is Robert Kagan a highly influential neocon.


After weeks of political crisis in Kiev, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk has announced his long-expected resignation.

Source: Ukraine PM resigns 2 months after narrowly dodging no-confidence vote — RT News