Is May Scared of Putin? British Showing Double Standards Over Russia: Ken Livingston former MP and Mayor of London

KW:   Although Saudi Arabia admitted weeks ago that its staff murdered Jamal Khashoggi, the UK hasn’t imposed sanctions on the Riyadh government. In stark contrast, when it comes to sanctioning Russia, London never lacks enthusiasm. While no punishment has been inflicted on the Saudi government and no diplomats were expelled over the murder of the…

INF Treaty End Is Near After Pompeo Gives Russia An Ultimatum | Zero Hedge

KW: This is what happens when you have a complete idiot, a neocon,as Secretary of State rather then just an extremely crooked one as Hillary Clinton was. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that Washington will suspend its obligations under the 1987 INF nuclear treaty within 60 days if Russia does not “return…

Argentina and France – Opponents of IMF versus Yellow Vests – Where Is the Correlation?: Information Clearing House

KW: Peter Koenig is a thoughtful writer and what is going on right now in France demonstrates the substance of this report Argentina and France – Opponents of IMF versus Yellow Vests – Where Is the Correlation? By Peter Koenig November 30, 2018 “Information Clearing House“ –   What do Argentinean protesters have in common with French protesters? –…

‘Mad Dog’ Mattis calls Putin a ‘slow learner’… then bemoans ‘worsened’ US relations with Russia — RT World News

KW: It’s almost embarrasing to read this as it shows just how stupid the American Defence Secretary and tool of the Pentagon war machine is Vladimir Putin’s simple-minded nature is to blame for the growing tensions between the US and Russia, Defense Secretary James Mattis has claimed, flexing his elite Marine Corps analytical skills. Source:…

France In Chaos; Macron Mulling State Of Emergency Amid “Yellow Vest” Protests; “All Options” Considered | Zero Hedge

KW: The incredibly loathed Macron is facing the fury of the French people who are taking to the streets and turning Paris into a war zone. Many of the protesters argue they don’t know how it was Macron was elected in the first place and that he was put there by electoral cheating backed by…

Declassify FISA Docs Coming, Mueller Desperate, Greg Hunter on American politics right now

KW: First 20 minutes of this video especially. Ignore the rest as it get a little opinionated and Hunter gets into stuff he probably should not get into although you might enjoy it!. This will get you up and running with the internal bitterness and shaftings of American politics From Greg Hunter…..Trump tweeted out a…