CDC Director Infected With COVID, Despite Max Vax And Boosters | ZeroHedge

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don’t get sick”?

Source: CDC Director Infected With COVID, Despite Max Vax And Boosters | ZeroHedge

KW: What we all know is that the so called vaccination does not keeep you from gettting the virus so that you don’t get sick, nor does it preven transmission between vaccinated people. This is the lie Adern and her disciples keep telling and they incarcerate temselves as being useless puppets. People like Michael Bake, Ashley Bloomfield and that crimson haired freak just keep o sppinning lies to create the fear factor to eable Adern to claim she is doing a marvellous job, but that is their task promoted by mainstream media it perpetuates. She keeps on spinning proven lies but she is dead wrong as proven by this article.

It says something very sad about 99% of New Zealanders that they can’t see this or won’t see this.