Chinese Refiner Halts US Oil Purchases, May Use Iran Oil Instead | Zero Hedge

KW: This is a real war. However it’s not well reported in MSM even now but it is a war never-the-less that could lead to a shooting war. It could and will affect us as already New Zeland officials are being drawn into taking sides as evidenced last week with the new Defence Report  for the future where Ron Mark, a militarist man now in charge of Defense is now naming China and Russia as threats without any eveidence that either of these two countries are threatening New Zealand in any way or have ever threatened New Zealand. Indeed China is one of biggest trading partners and we should be very very careful not to piss them off or our economy is dog tucker. You can be sure all of Ron Marks advice is from U.S. intelligence and the U.S would love to undermine our (any) countries association with China and Russia, its their objective. As we all now witness, the Trump led U.S. cares not a bit about any other country and is tearing up agreements with friends as well as foes. Why should New Zealand care one bit about what the ‘intelligence’ says, but Ron Mark is simply a puppet in the play stall. Sad and scary for us. This trade war is going to call us into line it seems and we don’t have our priorities sorted.

“We expect the Chinese government to impose tariffs on (U.S.) crude. We will switch to either Middle East or West African supplies.”

Source: Chinese Refiner Halts US Oil Purchases, May Use Iran Oil Instead | Zero Hedge