DNI Declassifies Brennan Notes; Briefed Obama On Intelligence That Hillary Clinton Concocted Trump-Russia Allegations | Zero Hedge

KW: Be careful about what you want. We have always noted that Hillary Clinton is  a ‘dirty player’ and that she was the driving force behind the Russian colusion stories to smear Trumps Presidency. Now some people are asking just how come that Trump, who has being holding mass rallies of tens of thousands of people at a time while Joe Biden has been closetted away out of the public eye suddenly has ll his White House staff and him go down with covid-19 but it has left the Democrats unscathed with Biden saying they should now not hold the next debate


Add to this that Trump has just authorised the release of documents related to the Clinton email scandal as well as Joe and (his son) Hunter Biden for their criminal activityin the Ukraine as well as other juristrictions where serious bribe money has flowed back to them and we have a cocktail of disruption for the coming election

“…to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal.”

Source: DNI Declassifies Brennan Notes; Briefed Obama On Intelligence That Hillary Clinton Concocted Trump-Russia Allegations | Zero Hedge

Source: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/asking-question-nobody-dares-ask-publicly