The “Elite” Coup Of 2016: Moon of Alabama

KW: Disgracefully our press here in New Zealand are reproducing the fake news and propaganda from the Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters indeed any American mainstream that Russia hacked the U.S. elections in favour of Trump. This is where we are at now, the possibility of a coup to stop Trump taking over as President, (make sure you read the link). Of course that the Washington oligarchy is involved is no surprise as they attempt to over ride election outcomes all over the world. As Paul Craig Roberts says, whether it is over ruling the elections outcomes every Greek person expected when they voted for ‘no more austerity’ to Brexit where already the election result is overthrown by 3 high court judges of the establishment to now the U.S. election result being undermined  and finally to Italy where the people rejected the constitutional changes only to find that nothing will alter the direction of constitutional change. Washington neocons he argues are fighting desperately everywhere to retain control of the world for their own purposes – there is no such thing as democracy he says. Below is a great commentary on the American situation

Source: M of A – The “Elite” Coup Of 2016