Goldman Mortgage Settlement Is Much Less Than Meets the Eye – The New York Times

Kwiwatch: Hang on who has gone to jail for these crimes? Anyone? Does anyone think it odd that Goldman Sachs can pay $5 BILLION in fines and not be seen as a criminal organisation? These fines are on top of the other billions in fines already paid. But wait. Where is this money coming from? A million in fines is bad enough, a billion would bankrupt only the really large companies, $5 billion is way out there. But no one has gone to jail no one (of any importance) has lost their jobs. And you want to invest retirement savings in markets?

Goldman is the last of the big American banks to settle an inquiry into how Wall Street worsened the mortgage bubble and ensuing financial crisis.

Source: Goldman Mortgage Settlement Is Much Less Than Meets the Eye – The New York Times