Groundbreaking Israeli Study Shows How COVID Proteins Attack The Heart And Blood Vessels | ZeroHedge

“We see a very high incidence of vascular disease and blood clotting, for example, stroke and heart attack among COVID patients…”

Source: Groundbreaking Israeli Study Shows How COVID Proteins Attack The Heart And Blood Vessels | ZeroHedge

KW: There is now SO MUCH information about the dangers of the vaccines hard pedalled to us as the only way we can regain our freedoms stripped from us by a tyranical government bent on getting EVERYONE vaccinated with the pfyzer jab that it is impossible to beleive the governments own researchers haven’t come across this research themselves and raised the alarm. It begs the question why is our government so bent on telling and retelling the falsehood that the vaccine is providing protection and freedom and is the only solution and way forward? OR is it that the government and Javinda Adern herself is on some sort of ‘success commmision’ to get as many vaccinated as possible and there is a bank account somewhere in her name that is filling up with pfyzer cash. It is so blatant what is going on that this is a reasonable proposition- after all the NSW Premier had to resign her position due to her being linked to massive bribes in millions paid to lobbyists she was associated with paid by pfyzer and AastroZeneca . Something stinks and the sooner it comes out the better.