Incontrovertible – New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke

It is inevitable that this website will bring to you items relating to the events of 9/11, the day’s events that our news continues to blame on Osama bin Laden hold up in a cave in Afghanistan and a bunch of so called Arab hi-jacker terrorists who despite only practicing in Cessna light planes managed to fly sophisticated passengers jets, outwit the most sophisticated air defense system in the world and bring down the twin towers. I should say at the outset that Kiwiwatch does not hold this view but in this instance this new film gives a British perspective focusing on just one aspect of the 9/11 ‘conspiracy’ the destruction of World Trade Centre 7 that fell at about 5.30pm on the day the twin towers were destroyed. Not many people in the world actually know that there was 3 buildings destroyed that day, not just the twin towers plus the Pentagon. The film is 2 hours long. Take the time to go through it. It is a little slow at times,  gets going at around 15 minutes. At around 1.25mins there is interesting stuff plus ex Marine Ken O’keefe at about 1.35 to 1.40 is right on. There will be a lot more about 9/11 from Kiwiwatch because understanding 9/11 allows you to understand 14 years of war, needless killing and maiming of millions and destruction of once successful independent country states since. I sincerely hope that this film makes you think about what your news broadcasters tell you is true every day of you life.