Israel Minister: “The Time Has Come To Assassinate Bashar Assad and get to his allies in Iran” | Zero Hedge

KW: The lie about Assad continues to grow and now threatens his very life. However, this is all Israel driven with the CIA continuing to plant false information about Syrian government gas attacks and murder, none of which is logical. Assad has been winning the war against ISIS in Syria and the Syrian Army retaking huge amounts of territory so he comes up with a great idea…”I’ll gas attack my own people and supporters to attract the wrath of the U.S. and the rest of the world” . Really clever thinking wouldn’t you say?

“The reality in which people are executed in Syria, being hit deliberately by chemical weapons, their bodies being burned, something we haven’t seen in 70 years. In my view, we are crossing a red line. And in my view, the time has come to assassinate Assad. It’s as simple as that.”

Source: Israel Minister: “The Time Has Come To Assassinate Bashar Assad” | Zero Hedge