Lindsey Graham: Fighting A War With North Korea Would Be “Worth It” | Zero Hedge

KW: This is typical of the hawkish and insane thinking of Washington. These people are imbeciles yet they populate the U.S. Congress in their hundreds. Regrettably for New Zealand we have our Foreign Minister (Winston Peters) piling praise on U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who is on record as saying it would be a good thing that new sanctions on North Korea would casue millions to starve to death in North Korea. In the mean time North and South Korea have appeared at the winter olympics as one country and the North has offered to commence talks with the U.S. The ONLY trouble with seeking peaceful solutions is the American involvement as they want to keep their bases in Subservient South Korea to have the ability to attack from there into China. That is the real reason why there is no possibility of peace breaking out any time soon and Winston Peters needs to get up to speed about who is the enemy a damn site quicker than he currently demonstrates.

“I’m completely convinced that President Trump and his team reject the policy of containment. They’ve drawn a red line here and it is to never let North Korea build a nuclear-tipped missile to hit America.”

Source: Lindsey Graham: Fighting A War With North Korea Would Be “Worth It” | Zero Hedge