More War Lies? ‘Anonymous Sources’ Claim Assad About To Use Gas: Ron Paul for Peace and Prosperity

KW: Oh Yes, just when you are verging of eliminating all terroists from Syria and reclaiming the whole of Syria back from international interferance you decide to use chlorine gas thereby inviting the western alliance to attack again. Assad would have to be completely stupid; us, completely stupid to beleive the lies that have been generated by the west and fed to us by western media. Trump has done 180 degree reversal again and that is his legacy.

The Wall Street Journal tells us that an anonymous US Administration official claims the existence of secret intelligence showing that Syrian President Assad has already given the order to release chlorine gas in Idlib. The US stands by waiting to begin bombing. How strangely like the run-up to the Iraq war, with the “just trust us” evidence of Saddam’s WMD. Will America fall for it again?