How to move to New Zealand: Americans visiting official migration site spikes 2300% after Donald Trump win | The Independent

KW: How hideous! Lets hope Americans get a grip soon, the last thing we want out here is a whole lot of pissed off Americans arriving here in invasion style numbers bringing their bitterness and disallusionment with them. They are the ones who comfortably went along with the status quo that brought Trump to the fore, a complacency that was gutting the U.S. middle classes and was bringing the world to the brink of war becasue they all believed the lies from their own media and failed government administration. No don’t come out here Americans, stay home and fix up your own world by purging the ones who selfishly got you into this state of affairs in the first place.

We play RUGBY out here too, 80 minutes of it just with one jersey on, with only one break, not some steroid masked padding covered charade masking as a football game for 5 hours. You wouldn’t cope!

Americans appear to be flocking to leave the US after the election of Donald Trump as president – with the number of US citizens visiting the New Zealand immigration website having increased by 24 times in the last day. Immigration New Zealand received 56,300 visits from the US – up from a daily average of 2,300.

Source: How to move to New Zealand: Americans visiting official migration site spikes 2300% after Donald Trump win | The Independent