North Korea Confirms Successful Testing of Hydrogen Bomb

Marvelous! Just what the world doesn’t need, a proper crackpot with the ‘H bomb’!  Now, can he deliver it? …this is the question. And once again it’s the United States blamed for North Korea’s development of the bomb. How come the US doesn’t get it too? American influence seems to really piss people off all around the world.

This is not a stabilizing act by the North Koreans and there will be fallout from this for sure. Perhaps it is also some of the logic behind China building airbases on the atolls or islands in the South China sea? Perhaps they too see North Korea as a threat?


North Korea announced a successful test of a hydrogen bomb in a special statement broadcasted by the country’s central TV and South Korean TV channels.

Source: North Korea Confirms Successful Testing of Hydrogen Bomb