One Third Of US States Have Now Joined Texas SCOTUS Bid To Overturn Election | Zero Hedge

First it was Louisiana, now Eric Schmitt, the Attorney General for Missouri, announced on Tuesday that he will join Texas in the battle to Supreme Court.

Source: One Third Of US States Have Now Joined Texas SCOTUS Bid To Overturn Election | Zero Hedge

Just lettting you know that the sh.t fight is only just starting!

Seventeen US states have officially backed the Texas complaint to the US Supreme Court alleging that four states that certified the presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden mismanaged them in violation of the US Constitution.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt led his colleagues from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia in filing the amicus brief to the US Supreme Court on Wednesday.

The amici “have a strong interest in ensuring that the votes of their own citizens are not diluted by the unconstitutional administration of elections in other States,” says the 30-page brief, adding that when other bodies in those states encroach on the authority of their legislatures – the only ones constitutionally entrusted with elections – “they threaten the liberty, not just of their own citizens, but of every citizen of the United States who casts a lawful ballot in that election.”