Pfizer documents reveal variety of vaccine side effects — RT USA News

Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout.

Source: Pfizer documents reveal variety of vaccine side effects — RT USA News

KW: Anyone beliving what the Adern/ Bloomfield combo are saying is either naive or simply doesn’t understand reality. Pfizer admitting death and injury from their vaccine at this stage is or should be enough reason to not get jabbed ever. Just what will happen to the health f those that are jabbed now in the long term is anones guess. Of course the pardon for wrong doing they negotiated means they are blameless.

However, you simply can’t help some people. I sense they just don’t want to know what is going on or what has happened, why they need to produce a vaccination passport to buy anything, their choice of ‘freedom’, at least that is the strong impression I am getting