President Xi Orders Chinese Army To “Prepare For War” | Zero Hedge

KW: However you wish to interpret these statements they are a warning to the West. China is getting very annoyed at being made the boogyman for all western ills and failings and is going to exercise its right to Empire Status just as the U.S. has done in the past 100 years. Trumps trade war is escalating to a full scale confrontation. The trouble is the Americans are not that smart and for the most part have no idea whatsoever the enormity of the situation. They are too taken up with the wild gyrations of Wall Street and how that is affecting theri 401k’s rather than the real issues of the time with Trump and additional wild card in the mix.The clash of the giants is imminent especially when it comes to the South China Sea and Taiwan

“China is increasing its military training so that it has the best solutions for the worst outcomes, either related to the US or across the [Taiwan] strait.”

Source: President Xi Orders Chinese Army To “Prepare For War” | Zero Hedge