Russiaphobia Is Out of Control –

KW: I have published this article and one referred article from this post by Glenn Greenwald as it’s important to see just how extreme and polarising brain numbing the rhetoric has got in the U.S With these sorts of idiots running the U.S. its easy to see how we could all be fried or become frozen as result of this radicle hubris. The next article is back to the war in Syria where our own media spews out misinformation about the reality there. Russia foolishly withdrew the main body of its forces in Syria having routed the American supported ISIS insurgents in Syria. What they didn’t expect was for the U.S. to greatly increase its own troop numbers in Syria and once again back and supply the rmnants of opposition groups in Syria that the Syrian Government is now attacking without mercy .  Additionally Trump is claiming that the alleged killing of >200 russian military personel in Syria shows just how tough he is on Putin. This is a debcle unfolding before our eyes right now.

Russiaphobia Is Out of Control Paul Craig Roberts As has been made perfectly clear, Mueller’s “indictment” of 13 Russians and 3 companies is just another h

Source: Russiaphobia Is Out of Control –