Senate Quietly Passes The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” | Zero Hedge

KW: This bill will affect us here in New Zealand as well as everywhere else in the western world. The paranoia about Russian hacking of the U.S. election has reached hysteria levels as the Clinton, Bush, Obama/Clinton dynasty of rule seeks to explain the loss for Hillary Clinton rather than just owning the fact that she herself was a flawed candidate. New Zealands mainstream news is all from the U.S. mainstream, the Washington Post, New York Times, Associated Press, CNN, ABC, CNBC all of which backed Clinton exclusively and did their level best to report only damaging stories about Trump as was followed identically by our own news broadcasters/publishers and they lost. Becasue Trump won the electoral college vote by a landslide mainstream media fighting for its survival has started an out right war on the freedom of speech naming, without any evidence being produced 200 websites they say acted as Russian pawns prom,oting Trump and undermining Clinton.

The corrupt pawn, Obama, has passed this legislation which legitimises CIA reports on various alternative media sites as being Russian agents interferring with U.S. politics among them and Alex Jones in particular with Breitbart, the Drudge Report also included.  Infowars, Breitbart, the Drudge Report and other independent sources are destroying the mainstream media narrative like never before, and the establishment is getting desperate. In an effort to try and censor the liberty movement and free speech, the mainstream media is now attempting to label legitimate news sources like Infowars as “fake news” to push towards a government-led shut down of these sites. The Washington Post has even gone as far as to label sites like Infowars as “Russian propaganda fake news” web sites, exemplifying the last attempt of a dying media conglomerate to force out any and all dissenting voices. Even more concerning, the United States House of Representatives quietly passed legislation targeting ‘Russian propaganda’ websites.

So this is a war on websites like Kiwiwatch that attempts to bring an independent view on news to the public from these alternative sources. It is a war on free speech and independent analysis and thinking.


The Senate has passed the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act: legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations.

Source: Senate Quietly Passes The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” | Zero Hedge

See: Following story ‘Trump blames Democrats’