Serious Problems Emerging As Desperate Gold Shorts (Bullion Banks) Double Margins: King World news

KW: King World News I would describe as a ‘Gold Bug’ site but the story matches what we have previously demonstrated on Kiwiwatch, the manipulation that is apparent. Embry is a well respected commentator, here is what he said about the gold market

With the war in the gold and silver markets continuing to rage, today a 50-year veteran told King World News that serious problems are emerging as desperate short bullion banks just doubled gold margins.

John Embry:  “In my opinion, things couldn’t be much more orchestrated than they are at this moment.  Last week I discussed how the Brexit issue was front and center, impacting stock markets globally and putting a firm bid under gold and silver…  “Then some unfortunate British Parliamentarian was murdered by a nutcase who appeared to be a strong supporter of Britain leaving the EU, and suddenly the polls swung heavily in favor of Britain remaining in the European Union.  If people’s convictions can be changed that dramatically by a random act of violence, why even bother having referendums?

In the wake of the assassination, gold was driven down $35 in the blink of an eye, as the bullion banks and their allies aggressively shorted the paper market for gold and open interest rose dramatically.  To say this is all fraudulent would be a vast understatement.

Then I learned this morning that a number of firms are doubling the margins on gold contracts, putting downward pressure on the speculator long positions.  And this is happening as the U.S. stock market has moved to the upside.  All of this manipulation continues to smack of desperation as the tide is turning inexorably against the establishment, with economies weakening noticeably around the globe as the financial structure gets more fragile by the day.

One news event that received little or no publicity last week was the decision by the Swiss Parliament to withdraw Switzerland’s application to join the European Union — an application that has been in place since 1992 but never acted upon.  I think this formal withdrawal confirms my comments from last week that the European Union is now being seen for the unmitigated economic disaster it has been.  And this economic ruin is now being compounded by the unresolved refugee crisis.