Step Aside Russia: US Warns Of China, Iran And North Korea “Election Meddling” Next | Zero Hedge

KW: In keeping with all the lies that the psycopaths who run America generate for all but the unsuspecting, Trumps National Security adviser John Bolton warns that  its not just the Russians:China, North Korea and Iran may target the US mid term elections… without providing a jot of proof. This is the pattern,  tell a lie and keep on telling it, have the media publish it eneough times and them you have it become the truth that you want all the sheeple to believe and then follow you down into the dungeon. It just turns out to be all his enemies too –  at least in his head!

“I can say definitively that it’s a sufficient national security concern about Chinese meddling, Iranian meddling, and North Korean meddling that we’re taking steps to try to prevent it, so it’s all four of those countries, really,” Bolton told Martha Raddatz, co-anchor of ABC’s ‘This Week,’ on Sunday. ”

Not just Russians: China, North Korea & Iran may target US elections, Bolton says without proof

Source: Step Aside Russia: US Warns Of China, Iran And North Korea “Election Meddling” Next | Zero Hedge