The ECB’s Insane Monetary Policy is Creating a Rush Into Derivatives | Liberty Blitzkrieg

Kiwiwatch comments: It’s with a great deal of sadness that I report in this way BUT it has actually been the same since 2088 when QE, ZIRP, NIRP and whatever else you might call it has been the norm in ‘markets’. I loved it as a financial adviser when you could analyse investments based on under lying merits but now if you have an investment adviser who tells you with some conviction he/she/they know what is going on they are lying. It is all about front running central bank policy decisions. That’s all.

One of the most catastrophic things central banks have done in the post financial crisis period is destroy financial markets. Investors are no longer investors, they’re merely helpless rats running around the lunatic central planning maze desperately attempting to survive by front running the latest round of central bank purchases. While actual macroeconomic and corporate fundamentals do still…

Source: The ECB’s Insane Monetary Policy is Creating a Rush Into Derivatives | Liberty Blitzkrieg