The Horrifying Civil Unrest We Have Been Warning You About Is Here, And America Is Literally Coming Apart At The Seams

KW: The rioting and destruction of property in the U.S could easily break out here, yes here in N.Z. as we too have a disadvantaged section of society (mainly maori and pacifica) who feel that society does not work for them. Here too the wealthy are saved with corporations recieving bailout money whilst they fire thousands of workers some of them highly skilled. Companies like Fletcher Building have been seriously mis-managed for more than a decade making bad decsion after bad decision. Now the workers are paying the price for idiot management earning comparatively massive salaries at the expense of workers doing the jobs. Think to of all the employees in Fonterra our single biggest exporter earning over $100k each dozens of them and the poor farmer getting screwed at the gate.

But it is the racial tensions that could explode and follow the same directory as what is happening in the U.S. now. Is anyone really surprised by this though. Trump has always been fighting someone calling them names like ‘loser’ and ‘extremists’ dividing society with his vitriole rather than mending fences building support, indeed he builds walls. He appeals to a white sections of American society that also has become disadvantaged by corporations off-shorering their jobs to China and they as a group are equally radicle in outlook. No excuse for violence however. Trump also goes after his own state governors calling them weak and indecisive in bringing about martial law in their states. The U.S. is a powder keg that has ignited. We should all pray it doesn’t ignite here


For a very long time, many of us have been loudly warning the American people that this was coming.  The mainstream media and many of our national leaders have been fanning the flames of hatred, anger, frustration and division on a daily basis for many years, and it was just a matter of time before […]

Source: The Horrifying Civil Unrest We Have Been Warning You About Is Here, And America Is Literally Coming Apart At The Seams