The Long Read: Jacinda Ardern, science, and covid mandates events, facts, and fallacies – Daily Telegraph

Guy Hatchard investigates facts and fallacies in the government’s approach to COVID-19 vaccine adverse events.

Source: The Long Read: Jacinda Ardern, science, and covid mandates events, facts, and fallacies – Daily Telegraph

KW: It is SICKENING that our government has imosed divisive mandates that alude to laying blame for the covid outbreak onto the unvaccinated. This goes completely against the evidence that is out there blatently available for everyone to see.. Still she continues with the propaganda getting non-descript individual often fron ethnic minorities (such as maori and Pacific Islanders) encouraging their fellows ‘to get the jabs ‘to make them safe’, clearly a blatant lie.

I hope someoene is prepared to take her and her government to task and sue for wrongful and criminal health impositions.