The PfizerGate Scandal: Governments worldwide are hiding data to disguise the fact the Covid Vaccines damage the Immune System and cause AIDS – The Expose

Health authorities around the world are manipulating figures in an attempt to hide from the general public that the Covid-19 injections are causing the fully va

Source: The PfizerGate Scandal: Governments worldwide are hiding data to disguise the fact the Covid Vaccines damage the Immune System and cause AIDS – The Expose

KW: Why should we be surprised? Our government is not delivering what the general public would expect, they (SHE) has been to extraordinary lengths to ‘vaccinate’ the whole population currently advertising relentlessly to get our little defenseless 5 year olds jabbed with the deadly poison. Adern has been at the forefront of coercing everyone to ‘roll up your sleeves’ selflessly sacrificing her own wedding to Clark Gayford apparently, when the rumour he is in prison may be the real reason of this non event, but its not reported by any media where he actually is although plenty of people previously reported his akle bracelet so police could track his whereabouts. Nor do they report on the staggering number of covid deaths due to the vaccine killing them not the virus.. Its utrageous what is happening and people are not speaking out about the maniulated figures