The Poisoning Scandal falls apart amidst lies and political deviance by the British Government

KW: George Galloway and Nigel Farage comment and John Pilger summarises even before the news of recent developments and Former London Mayor discuss. Finally The former OSCE exVP Willy Wimmer slams the British as acting like the mafia.  The British Foreign Secretary announced publicly that he was personally told by someone at the Porton Down laboratory that it was “absolutely categorical” that the nerve gas allegedly used in an attack on Skripal and his daughter came from Russia. The chief executive of the Porton Down laboratory has now stated that the scientists at the laboratory cannot confirm that the nerve agent is Russian. The liars are getting away with their deviance far longer than they should, if there was a media  that was set on exposing liars and revealing the truth. PCR states ‘There is little doubt that the attack on the Skripals was an orchestration by the black op departments of the US and UK intelligence agencies. Just as George W. Bush was given a script to read about 9/11, the British government was handed a script to read about “the Skripal poisoning.” The Russian Ambassador to the UK said, “We have very serious suspicion that this provocation was done by British intelligence.” Actually, the UK, a militarily insignificant country, would not have dared to make this level of provocation to Russia, which is capable of wiping the British off of the face of the earth in a few minutes at zero cost to Russia. The British were acting as agents of their masters in Washington. Surely, the Russian government knows this. In “the Western alliance,” the only country permitted to have an independent policy is the US.