“This Is Alex Jones Territory!” Watch Reporter Shred Admin Spox Over ‘Russian False Flag’ Claims | ZeroHedge

Crisis actors? Really?…epic exchange in briefing room as incredulous Associated Press reporter presses for evidence.

Source: “This Is Alex Jones Territory!” Watch Reporter Shred Admin Spox Over ‘Russian False Flag’ Claims | ZeroHedge

Watch this US juvenile US State Department spokesman get maulled by a frustrated ABC reporter spinning more lies about Russia un this unbeleiveable statement provoking Edward Snowden to repsond ‘anyone who questions a statement delivered from a podium is a tool of the russians, the islamic state, or both sorry, you know the rules’ Whenou have these idos at the forefront of global politicsarguing that what the Americans are so adept at applies also to what the Russian do it is easy to see how frustrated Russian authorities could get. The could just say ‘oh alright if thats the way you want it heres a nuke to suck on while you contemplate the future’

State Dept.: Russia is going to launch a false flag attack as a pretext to invade Ukraine. Reporter: What’s your evidence? State Dept.: I just gave it to you. Reporter: No, you made an allegation. State Dept.: Yes, that’s the evidence.