Trump Signs “Single Largest Arms Deal In US History” With Saudi Arabia Worth $350 Billion | Zero Hedge

KW: And this is how the increase in risk comes about. Get the richest oil rich country and give them the means to do you dirty business; attack the poorest country in the region (Yemen) killing and maiming desert dwellers throughout that country and prepare for war with Iran where on Friday Iran’s moderate leader Rouhani secured a second term with a landslide victory in the presidential election. Trump is only interested in making America great again and that means jobs irrespective that they are are all arms industry jobs thereby serving his masters the ruling elite in the U.S.

When one looks beyond the pageantry, pomp and circumstance of Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia, the main purpose behind the president’s visit is precisely that: selling weapons, some $350 billion over the next decade, according to estimates.

Source: Trump Signs “Single Largest Arms Deal In US History” With Saudi Arabia Worth $350 Billion | Zero Hedge