U.S. tells Russia to pull back from Ukraine or face painful sanctions | Reuters

The United States urged Russia on Wednesday to pull back its troops from the Ukrainian border, warning that a Russian invasion would provoke sanctions that would hit Moscow harder than any imposed until now.

Source: U.S. tells Russia to pull back from Ukraine or face painful sanctions | Reuters

KW: War mongering America simply can’t stop interferring in other peoples business needing to feed it’s own military/industrial complex with with more war where they can go about killing defencless people living in their own lands. Having been shamed out of Afghanistan where they deserted the people simple Americans beleive were at war with them and somehow responsible for the twin towers attack The US is now trumpetting another load of lies accusing Russia of massing troops within its own borders and preparing to invade Ukraine. Its always been the agenda ever since the Obama years and now with dirty Biden in the white House taking backhanders and bribes as well as extorting money from Ukraine directly via his unbelieably even more corrupt son Hunter Biden and his ‘business’ dealing with the Ukrainian state oil company it is depressingly hard to see how many people will be spared their lives with EU representatives in the gig to attack Russia. It is only becasue Putin has not responded to the continung provocations that ‘peace’ has been maintained. Already the Donesk and Luansk regions in East Ukraine have fought for semi independence from Kiev government of Ukraine, they are Russian leaning and speaking people who see the big picture. The U.S. should have realized this and left the status quo. Instead, people like Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan are making things worse. If a war breaks out, don’t just blame the Russians. You should also Blame Biden administration foreign policy officials, who should have left well enough alone. Who do they think they are?