U.S. Warships Surround Disputed Chinese Waters, Prepared for War: “WWIII At Stake”

KW: Once again and in another sphere other than the middles east, the U.S. is demanding subjugation of all countries to it’s power and control. In the South CHINA Sea (emphasis intended, not the South U.S. Sea) where China has reclaimed atolls into land and views the South China Sea as part of its waters and sphere of influence the U.S. is now heading for confrontation with China it’s biggest trading partner and largest funder of U.S. debt. Once again war is the prospect

Based off the rhetoric of retired Admiral Blair and his counterparts in China, things are becoming very tense between the two superpowers.

Source: U.S. Warships Surround Disputed Chinese Waters, Prepared for War: “WWIII At Stake”