‘Unfair competition’: Moscow blasts US move to enable sanctioning of Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream pipelines — RT World News

KW: How long is the world going to tolerate the reckless American sanctions and tarrifs against anyone it wants to bankrupt and prevent from doing legitimate business with countries of their choice? Little wonder the world is in chaos when the leadership of the U.S. is so inferior that they resort to terrorist tactics to maintain their power. The worlds largets democracy bully is reduced to stomping on everyones elses marbles to bully its own way in the world


The US’ decision to remove sanctions exemption for the two pipelines under construction to deliver gas to Europe and Turkey is a textbook example of “unfair competition” through political means, Moscow has said.

Source: ‘Unfair competition’: Moscow blasts US move to enable sanctioning of Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream pipelines — RT World News