US Offers Iranian Tanker Captain Millions To Hand Over Ship | Zero Hedge

KW: The U.S. stops at absolutely nothing when it comes to skull dugery, manipulation lies and deceipt.. Maybe the ships Captain is putting his countries interests first not his own personal far. This is not understood by Americans now as it’s every man for himself over there.

Meanwhile… US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned allies that time is running out to squash Iran while it’s weakened by an arms embargo, urging them to halt Tehran’s “destabilizing behavior” before it regains the ability to fight back. What an arsehole! Who does he think he is? Criminals do what criminals do and Pompeo is certainly one big fat criminal

US proudly admits to bribery & extortion of Iranian oil tanker captains after open piracy fails US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook dangled millions of dollars in front of the captain of beleaguered Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya, Akhilesh Kumar, hoping to entice him into sailing to a country that would impound the vessel Gibraltar released last month – and warning that if Kumar did not comply, he would suffer dire consequences.

With this money you can have any life you wish and be well-off in old age… If you choose not to take this easy path, life will be much harder for you.

“Having failed at piracy, the US resorts to outright blackmail…”

Source: US Offers Iranian Tanker Captain Millions To Hand Over Ship | Zero Hedge