US Re-Imprisons Manning To Coerce Her To Testify Against WikiLeaks – Caitlin Johnstone

KW: The goal here is to get Julian Assange and show him as gulity of espionage against the U.S. Bravely Chelsea Manning is accepting re imprisonment as the government attempts to crush her into an admisssion of something else other than what they already have on file.

PC Roberts states it this way The US Government Has Degenerated Into Tyranny 

US Re-Imprisons Manning To Coerce Her To Bear False Witness Against Julian Assange

The US Government Has Degenerated Into Tyranny

“Really this isn’t about Chelsea Manning at all,” journalist Ben Swann told RT today. “It’s really about for the government to try and to create a concept, a narrative, in which they demonstrate that Assange and WikiLeaks assisted Manning in retrieving and obtaining classified documents, which WikiLeaks then published. And the reason that’s significant is because, under the Espionage Act, they want to charge Assange with having committed espionage against the United States.”

The US government has spent 9 years fabricating a false case against Julian Assange for the sole reason of revenge.  Such a government is to be despised and deplored.  The total absence of any moral character in the US government shames every American.

After being imprisoned for seven years under draconian conditions which twice drove her to suicide, whistleblower Chelsea Manning has again been thrown behind bars for defending government transpar…

Source: US Re-Imprisons Manning To Coerce Her To Testify Against WikiLeaks – Caitlin Johnstone