Video of the Day – Congressman Calls Tucker Carlson a Russian Agent on Prime Time Television | Liberty Blitzkrieg

KW: The extent of paranoia in U.S. politics is displayed in this video. Yes, Putin and Russia are blamed again. Pathetic really.

 “Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave… You’re carrying water for the Kremlin… you’re gonna have to move your show to Russian Television… you’re an apologist for the Kremlin.”

This is a remarkable, must watch interview between Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and California Congressman Adam Schiff. More than anything else, the primary takeaway is the completely clownish and pathetic manner in which Mr. Schiff represents himself and his office. The only reply he has to Carlson, which he uses on at least three occasions,…

Source: Video of the Day – Congressman Calls Tucker Carlson a Russian Agent on Prime Time Television | Liberty Blitzkrieg