Will Falling Dominoes Knock Over Trump? – PaulCraigRoberts.org

KW: PCR is a very astute man and understands the depth of hatred among the ruling elite of America for Trump and the extent they are moving to bring down his Presidency. This article brings two new pieces of commentary together about the what is going on to disable Trump but you don’t need to go to the U.S. to see evidence of this, just read the local newspapers that daily publish anti Trump stories and cartoons twisting peoples minds about false threats and avoiding exposing the real actions, it’s continual and rising propaganda. Not that we think Trump is great or good but there has never before been such a coordinated effort to put the position, the office of President of the United States into disgrace as there is now. Maybe one day Americans will come to their senses but not likely we feel.

Will Falling Dominoes Knock Over Trump? Gen. Flynn’s removal as National Security Adviser is a domino that is likely to knock over other Trump appointees and perhaps Trump himself.

Source: Will Falling Dominoes Knock Over Trump? – PaulCraigRoberts.org