Worst Opening Week For US Stocks In History——Markets Down By $1.36 Trillion

If you get to hear on the TV news OR radio broadcast, you know the ones where they talk to a leading ‘bank economist’ or ‘leading fund manager’, that the US economy is doing just fine and ‘reaching escape velocity’ and that in December the US created a ‘seasonally adjusted’ 292,000 jobs’ take a deep breath and read some of the commentary about this from people such as

Paul Craig Roberts:  http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/01/09/update-to-bls-december-payroll-jobs-report-it-is-even-worse-than-i-reported-paul-craig-roberts/


David Stockman: http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/newsflash-from-the-december-jobs-report-the-us-economy-is-dead-in-the-water/

If you understand what they are saying then you will realise that the reason the US market is tumbling like it is (with the rest of us about to follow suit unless a miracle happens) is because the jobs report is rubbish in the first place. Actually there was only 11,000 jobs created the rest are all estimates! However, mainstream will gloss over the issues and report a rosy picture in defiance of real indices such as manufacturing PMI’s dropping and the Baltic Dry index (a measure of global trade) hitting new lows. Perhaps you should ask your adviser how your fund is looking?

The below graph taken from David Stockman’s Contra Corner