How to move to New Zealand: Americans visiting official migration site spikes 2300% after Donald Trump win | The Independent

KW: How hideous! Lets hope Americans get a grip soon, the last thing we want out here is a whole lot of pissed off Americans arriving here in invasion style numbers bringing their bitterness and disallusionment with them. They are the ones who comfortably went along with the status quo that brought Trump to the…

NATO places 300,000 troops on high alert, ready to attack Russia over fictional “cyber attacks” and “propaganda”

KW: War over trumped up accusations. Doing what it should behind its own borders is now the reason for preparing for confrontation. The lie about Crimea being invaded when the predominantly Russian population voted to re-join the motherland is seen as using military force. NATO a preparing a military force of up to 300,000 personnel,…